It seems to me that Auren Ruvinsky in his editorial (The News, Feb. 3) is just a little bit off track.
Just how “poor” is poor?
I certainly know of no poor people who have the chance to travel to the Philippines, even if it’s just for a cheap vacation with family members.
As for medical travel insurance, that is a personal decision which anyone who travels abroad has to make for themselves.
It is a matter of choice, and if you have health considerations before leaving this country, you have to be aware of the potential consequences — including financial ones.
My sympathies go out to Mr. Lowe during this time, but that is it.
He made his choices.
Auren Ruvinsky’s article could have used a much better example to differentiate the income inequality between the rich and the poor.
Let’s hope he does better in future editorials.
Evelyn Bradford