‘Taj Mahal of schools’ almost completed

Dear editor,
It looks like the Taj Mahal of schools is nearing completion only a month behind schedule.

Dear editor,It looks like the Taj Mahal of schools is nearing completion only a month behind schedule.The Ministry of Education press release states that the province has invested $24.9 million in building the school.Perhaps those costs could have been lower had they decided to use local contractors to do some of the work. I live only a few blocks away and have yet to recognize any local businesses involved in the building of the school.At a capacity of 320 children, that is an investment of $77,821.50 per child. With Highland overcapacity at just under 900 students, I can hardly wait to see the new high school they will build.If funding is equal between French and English, I guess the new school budget should be just over $70 million. I am sure I will be a grandparent long before I see that school built.I truly wonder what the real costs will be when one considers the maintenance costs of such extravagance. Nevermind cleaning the windows but maintaining the full-time security.I am sure that those select students will enjoy their new state-of-the art school and will reap the benefits. I guess the only way my son will see the benefits of such a “quality” school will be to enrol.Oh, wait, I hear you need to have French ancestry. It sucks being born on the other side of the tracks.Dwayne Robertson,Comox Valley

Comox Valley Record