Take advantage of North Thompson Communities Foundation matching funds campaign by September

donate little every month into the future to assist those that live in the North Thompson Valley for years to come

To the editor;

Have you worried about the future and whether you’re ‘window’s mite’ could make any difference in the big picture?

Have you wondered whether there might be an easy way to donate ‘just a little’ every month into a fund that would exist permanently into the future to assist those that live in the valley in years to come?

Are you a visionary who really wants to help, but just doesn’t feel they can commit to sitting on a Board or being a member of a group?  Perhaps you are at that stage of life whereby you can travel, visit family or simply prefer not be so busy any more – but still want to contribute to the future of the valley?

The North Thompson Communities Foundation is offering an option for your consideration.

As I’ve mentioned in previous messages, we have recently started a Smart and Caring Communities Fund.  This fund is a living legacy fund that is designed to meet future requests and needs of our area.  For 10 months we are encouraging valley resident to contribute any multiple of 10  (i.e. $10 for 10 months for individuals or perhaps $100 for 10 months if you are a group) to support the future of your preferred activity.

Naturally all the other Endowment Envelopes still are hoping for contributions as well.  Those are the individual accounts such as the ones designed to meet the needs of seniors, youth, the arts, the environment and so forth.  These will also reap the benefits of our ‘matched’ funds, thus increasing their potential at twice the rate.

We encourage you to consider making monthly contributions – with funds transferred directly from your account into the envelope within the Foundation of your choice.  That is the avenue that I’ve chosen and truth be known I don’t even miss that $10 each month.  Knowing that I’m contributing to the future of our valley is a blessing.

Indeed at present The Foundation have set aside some of the funds from our ‘undesignated’ funds to offer a ‘matching ’ opportunity for you – the sponsors and contributor from the area.  In order to take advantage of this time-limited opportunity, please donate at the Interior Savings Credit Union by September of this year, as that will be the end of our ‘matching’ funds Campaign.

If you or a group that you are associated with would like a presentation on what a Community Foundation is and/or want to embark on conversation about how you can learn more about your North Thompson Communities Foundation, please contact us at Box 121, Clearwater, check out the web site or better still come and see us at the Rural Expo at the Fall Fair Grounds on the last weekend of April!


Cheryl Thomas, 2014 Chair



Barriere Star Journal