Take care as children head back to class

School is back in session next week and with the end of summer break we remind motorists to take extra care as children head back to class.

School is back in session next week and with the end of summer break we remind motorists to take extra care as children are out and about coming and going excitedly to class.

Teachers will be in schools on Tuesday, Sept. 4 but students don’t return until Wednesday, Sept. 5, then only for a half day.

Students will be in school prior to 9 a.m. for grade assemblies and home room registration, and will be released for the day at approximately 11:30 a.m. so be on the look-out for students and school buses earlier than usual.

Going back to school can be an exciting time for children but in many cases a trying time for parents coping with growing children needing new clothes, shoes, and of course the all important school supplies.

In this tougher than usual economy some parents may be struggling to fill these obligations.

People with a little extra money to spare can help out these parents by supporting the Staples School Supply Drive and the Salvation Army’s school supplies program.

Locally the Salvation Army is accepting donations of school supplies for children and is offering four complete changes of clothing and a pair of shoes to children of low-income families that qualify for the weekly hamper program.

Staples has its seventh annual School Drive, with hopes of raising $6,900 to help local children purchase school supplies. Each year Staples partners with School District No. 27 to help create a fair playing field for all children attending school. Many businesses and customers have donated.

By Aug. 29 $3,400 had been raised. Donations will be accepted up until Sept. 15. Staples program co-ordinator Melissa Phung says 100 per cent of the monies raised stays local.


Williams Lake Tribune