Take Comox Lake area back from logging companies

Dear editor,

After taking a ride up to Comox Lake, I feel it’s time to be vocal. We have been having more and more boil water advisories recently and the reason is right before our eyes.

As you approach the dam you will see more devastation to the forest. There is a new clearcut on a slope leading to the dam and surrounding the Rod and Gun location which also goes very close to the lake. There is nothing left to slow any water flow after any rain.

If you go around the lakes that Vancouver uses for their water source there is no logging and the forests are pristine. Never hear of boil water advisories for them!!

The Regional District should take back this land from the forest companies to help save our clean water source.

How did the forest companies get so much land in the first place ? Why can’t our communities expropriate it in the name of public interest (our drinking water)?

The lake should be off-limits to all logging.

Spending millions on filtration is only treating the illness. Taking back the land is the cure to the illness.

Kevin Marston



Comox Valley Record