Take from the poor and give to the rich

I am talking of his wonderful planet saving carbon tax. Regardless how he and his government push this it is simply a money grabbing hoax

Editor, The Times:

I would like to ask Terry Lake what it feels like to take from the very poor and give to the very rich.

I speak of taking money from the already underfunded schools, (those that have not been shut down.), from hospitals and also from the people of the north whom he was elected to represent.

I am talking of his wonderful planet saving carbon tax. Regardless how he and his government push this it is simply a money grabbing hoax that has done nothing (NOTHING) to reduce carbon emissions.

I ask you, What does it cost your family just to keep warm through the winter?

Terry Lake stated in the media that he and his government will not accept the AG John Doyle’s report on this subject. We shall miss John Doyle when he leaves but no one will even remember Terry.

Wayne Russell


Blackpool, B.C.



Clearwater Times