Take It Easy, Ruthy Said

Columnist Ruth Altendorf listens to her inner voice, telling her to slow down for the summer

Ruthy, my alter-ego – remember her – was unusually irritated with me lately. And then, just a few days ago, she seemingly reached her limit! Like my doctor she sat up straight and, looking sternly at my face, declared: You need a vacation, a rest and some fun! Though I had to agree, I tried to argue a bit longer and said, “but I did not even have time yet to decide where I would like to go or make any arrangements!” ‘You do not have to,” she answered,”just take it easy for a while, sleep in longer.” My idea of getting up between six and seven in the morning has been a source for her discontent for a while. Have a leisurely breakfast, sit on the balcony, phone relatives and friends and enjoy our summer visitors! And, thinking of visitors, remember all the nice restaurants in our area!

“By the way,” she said. “Did you have time to go to our shopping mall lately or to enjoy our “new” Esplanade?”

And so it came about that I decided to take the summer off, relax and have fun! I know Carol, who does all my typing, phoning and e-mailing, will not be unhappy about my decision either – after all, she has a large garden to attend to!

Of course, we will be back in the fall and will tell you all about our adventures. In the meantime, have a wonderful summer yourself – take Ruthy’s advice – she means well!

Ruth, Ruthy and Carol

Note:  An exception to the above will be made for July 30th and August 6th to give some help to Lorene.

Agassiz Observer