Letter-writer Ruth Carrier would like to see memorials returned to stairway.

Letter-writer Ruth Carrier would like to see memorials returned to stairway.

Take steps to return plaques


Attached are photos of the ceramic stairs in East Beach and four ‘feet’ that I bought at $250 each to be affixed to the stairs.


Attached are photos of the ceramic stairs in East Beach and four ‘feet’ that I bought at $250 each to be affixed to the stairs.

This was back in 2005, and though I could little afford to remember three of my family members in this way, the idea set forth by city members was a wonderful way to enhance the area.

About two years ago, when passing the location, I wanted to see these – shall we say – ‘memoriam feet’ of two brothers and a sister who had died;  to sit looking out at the bay and remember them.

I was horrified as all the feet had been removed. I wrote to Peace Arch News, and shortly after learned from a lady involved in further enhancing the area. She said the feet had been removed to be cleaned, and would soon be reattached (De-feeted steps being ‘rejuvenated,’ Feb. 25, 2010).

To date, the numerous feet have not been replaced.

I have spoken with the same young lady, and learned the city does not have the funds to clean the area and/or the feet and return them to these steps. One of the reasons being, the memorium feet, for security reasons, should be sunken into the concrete. Presumably too expensive and may never be done.

It’s possible that some of the people who purchased these feet had sufficient funds and perhaps no real drain on their pocketbook. But I’m a single pensioner, and it was costly for me.

I loved those brothers and sister and I am most disappointed in the city to let this slide.

The feet are not seen as one walks by, only going up or down the stairs would one notice them at the side of the steps.

It’s such a shame that the initial idea of beautifying this part of East Beach is falling into disrepair. Perhaps I could have the return of the four feet I purchased.

Ruth Carrier, White Rock

Editor’s note: According to the White Rock South Surrey Community Foundation, replacement of the feet has been delayed by a need to rejuvenate a partnership with the City of White Rock. The plaques are said to be clean and safely stored.

Peace Arch News