Take to the air for emergency relief in Nepal

Dear editor,

Re: Delivery of relief during disasters.

I’ve been watching these great cargo planes lumbering into Kathmandu, filled to the gills with stuff, that even when offloaded, can’t get anywhere fast because the roads are not much good for wheeled vehicles.

So I’m wondering why some bright souls could not invent a more dynamic (ah yes aerodynamic) method of ‘relief’ delivery that would entail saturation bombing the troubled areas with thousands of parachute-enabled sacks each containing, what? – just Google “Emergency Kits” to find suppliers who would be ready, able and willing.

Some team of applied mathematicians could have fun figuring out how to get the bags/sacks/back packs to string out from the tail door of the plane, separate, and ensure that the parachutes open for their gentle drift to earth. (Or maybe delivery by drones?)

Some may fear that this would lead to mayhem as fighting breaks out for possession of these treasures. The solution is in the abundance of the drop. Cheaper by far than bombs.

Robert Stiven



Comox Valley Record