Take your garbage

Editor: Almost every day I have noticed some new article of litter strewn along the road.


This past summer I have gone for a ride on my bicycle almost every day along our road and, almost every day, I have noticed some new article of litter strewn along the road. Everything from pop cans and bottles, chip bags, cigarette packages, water bottles, beer cans, and even a couple of empty Tim Horton’s coffee cups! (Someone sure held onto them for a long time to chuck them out their car window along Tchesinkut Lake.)

What kind of idiots are these litterers? Either they have no respect at all for this great area or the people that live here, or they have zero civic pride in their home, or both. To the people responsible: come on; give your head a shake and dummy up. How hard is it to take your garbage home or to a garbage can somewhere? Or better still, how about recycling it, as most of it is recyclable. If you cannot respect this country and the people that reside here, maybe it’s time you thought about moving somewhere else.


Mike Comeau


Burns Lake Lakes District News