Taking issue with Papal tribute

Writer takes MP to task over proposed commemoration of late Pontiff

Our local MP Alex Atamanenko recently voted in favour of Bill C-266, the bill that would that establish April 2 as Pope John Paul II Day in Canada.

I am personally dismayed that a progressive NDP MP would be willing to celebrate a religious figure that promoted an anti-human rights agenda.

The designation of a day for Canada to officially recognize Pope John Paul II is inconsistent with the goals and values established and promoted by the Government of Canada.

While John Paul II was a charismatic figure, his record as leader of the Catholic Church is full of scandal and poor management.

Barbara Blaine, head of the Survivors Network of those Abused by Priests (SNAP) group, points out, “In more than 25 years as the most powerful religious figure on the planet, John Paul II did almost nothing to safeguard kids.”

Pope John Paul vigorously supported the Catholic Church’s opposition to contraception, abortion and homosexuality. He personally intervened to advise Jean Chretien against introducing legislation to allow same-sex marriage.

His edicts against condom use undermined worldwide public health efforts to control the spread of AIDS.

For these reasons, I ask  MP Alex Atamanenko to publicly defend his religious conservative vote. Is this the new NDP aligning themselves with the Harper government?


Raynald Losier


Castlegar News