Talk on the town

As summer truly kicks off there are many things that seem to be on the minds of residents in Golden.

As summer truly kicks off there are many things that seem to be on the minds of residents in Golden.

The highways around Golden have started to become busier as travellers are heading out to enjoy the beautiful weather. Of course now that the snow has melted, drivers seem to have lost a respect for the roads they travel on.

Speeds have noticeably increased. Many times I have heard the complaints about the highways in the area but the truth is that speed is the real issue.

Driving a little over the speed limit is one thing but tearing around like you have entered a Formula One race makes no sense because all too often it leads to expensive or tragic endings.

For years the discussion has raged around when a divided highway would be completed between Golden and Alberta.

Realistically it is hard to see this coming soon due to how many repairs have to get done on the Trans Canada Highway when summer hits.

Work crews are constantly patching up the damage done from winter, which leaves little time for an expansion.

People should also be noting the number of thefts from vehicles as the summer months roll in. I have been laughed at before because I constantly lock the doors of my car in this quiet mountain town.

This week I was proven right when someone was spotted by the eagle eye of a great neighbour trying to get into my vehicle.

It is not that Golden is a dangerous place, but one should be aware that the easiest targets are the ones that get hit. So lock those doors and keep your valuables in a safe place.

The summer also allows people to get out and enjoy the beauty of Golden. Walkers, bicyclists, extreme adventurists and beach lovers can all find a new place to spend their days.

It is amazing that after more than two years in Golden I still find somewhere new to go each and every week.

Just this week while I was out walking, I was encouraged to jump in a truck with friends to pop up to Cedar Lake.

I had driven by the area many times but had never gone into the lake itself.

Who knew Golden had such a nice beach where you could go and just kick back on a beautiful day?

In Golden the music has also continued, only now we all can sit outdoors and enjoy ourselves.

The events in Spirit Square are becoming more and more a tourist event where both locals and guests in the area can come together, relax and enjoy a great show.

So in the end get out there and enjoy your summer because before you know it the winter will return.

Drive safe, be careful, enjoy the world that surrounds you and don’t be afraid to go for a dance.


Golden Star