Talk to the deer

Here on Vancouver Island elected and non-elected officials are having to make tough decisions around the deer issue.

Here on Vancouver Island elected and non-elected officials are having to make tough decisions around the deer issue. Some municipalities have opted for a cull.

Our communities are polarized on this issue and have been torn apart by what has occurred and what is about to occur. Some farmers feel justified in killing the deer because the deer are destroying their crops and the anti-cull people are saying put up fencing to keep the deer out.

But perhaps there is another solution? An effective albeit unusual one: Talk to the deer.

In the realm of Spirit there is always a solution and just because we humans don’t know the answer yet, doesn’t mean a solution doesn’t exist. Animals are very connected to Spirit and if we connect with them at their level and with respect, they will understand.

Everyone on the planet is trying to make a living, even the deer, and they need to eat just as much as we do to survive.

As a farmer or gardener, would you be willing to set aside a small portion of your property for the deer? Tell them, “this is yours to eat. Please leave the rest of the land alone.”

As bizarre as this sounds, it does work. Why not think outside the box and try connecting with these animals at a different level — theirs, not ours. If you have a sincere desire, willingness and intention to connect and communicate with animals, they will be more than willing to meet you halfway. And if you don’t feel comfortable talking to them yourself, there are many competent animal communicators on Vancouver Island who could do it for you. There also are excellent books on animal communication available.

Our animals have much to teach us about living cooperatively on the Earth.

Why not give them a chance.

Lea Fraser



Peninsula News Review