Talking Stick

Steven Rice, TNRD Area I Director, has his monthly say on local issues.

As a newly elected member of the Thompson-Nicola Regional District Board of Directors, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect. However in my short time in office I’ve already been impressed with the work ethic of staff, and my fellow board members. Help is offered, and much welcomed all around, which is great to aid in the navigation of the many roads of regional politics.

I’ve found the world of regional politics offers a lot more than meets the eye, and granted I have only attended a few meetings at this point but I can already feel the passion that fills the board room. The learning curve for us ‘newbies’ on the Board has been intense, and it’s great to see a wide and diverse knowledge pool amongst the 25 of us. I’m very excited to learn the ropes from some talented and experienced politicians – and I know this will go a long way to help serve the constituents of Area “I” as well.

Our new Chair Randy Murray, who is Electoral Area Director for area “M” which includes parts of the Lower Nicola, has showed a real passion towards a pro-active approach to local government. He’s looking forward to leading the charge with a mix of new ideas, fresh faces, and even some new directions in our horizon. The Board is subsequently motivated, energized, and very excited about what the next three years will hold for us.

Communication, amongst my fellow Board members, and with you the constituents, has been made a top priority. So to help with this I will be publishing my Talking Stick column once a month around the end of month, and will give me a chance to help communicate with the fine folks of Area “I”. Also if you have any questions, concerns, or even complaints, don’t hesitate to give me a shout by phone at 250-458-2379 or by email at . I’m looking forward to working together with my fellow Board members and the local communities over the next three years.

Steven Rice

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal