Talking Stick – Desperation breeds reforms

Monthly news and information from the TNRD Area I director

Do you recall receiving your first Algebra book in school and mumbling to yourself “What the heck does this mumbo jumbo mean?” Depending on your diligence, you soon began to figure a few things out and have some success.

This is where I find myself at this point. An intense, but exhilarating learning curve that I continue to climb. At this point in my journey, one thing has become perfectly clear…

To do the TNRD  job right, you cannot go it alone.

In this modern day information age, the tools are at our disposal. The key is to use them effectively.

High speed cable, email, Blackberry, even an old fashioned phone call – there is no reason not be at the cusp of issues if you have your communication toolbox at your side.

To this end, I would like to extend an invitation to the constituency in Area I to keep eyes open, minds busy. If you see something that needs attention – a project, an idea that might fall within the TNRD mandate – give me a call, send me an email. No promises, but if we don`t talk, it ain`t gonna happen!

The first project in Area I has taken root with the implementation of the Clean Air Wood Stove Replacement Program. Facilitator Tim Larsen is very knowledgeable in all facets of the program and any questions can be directed his way: Tim Larsen at 250-378-8216 or .

The Spences Bridge Community Club has formed an Archie Clemes Community Hall *Wish List* Committee to address and submit for bid, upgrades to the hall.  Once completed the application will be submitted to both the TNRD and Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) for acceptance.

On the same subject, I have been invited to meet with the folks at Walhachin  to take a tour of their hall, which I plan to do when a compatible date is determined.

Stay tuned…

Steve Rice

Ashcroft Cache Creek Journal