Tapics gets fail for homework

Compliance Energry's John Tapics point the misinformation finger at others but three of his fingers point back at himself, one reader says.

To the Editor,

When John Snyder discovered that John Tapics of Compliance Energy was providing us with misinformation about Raven Coal’s mineral taxation, it helped shed some light on why Tapics constantly reiterates the same old babble that we are the ones providing misinformation.

Previously, I warned every time he points the “misinformation” finger at us, he has three of his own fingers pointing back at him. Maybe that’s why there are so many obstacles with this proposed coal mine.

What kind of homework did Mr. Tapics and his cohorts actually do before they concocted the scheme to mine for coal on Vancouver Island?

Did Compliance Energy know the location of the proposed 16-year operating plan for mining coal is above a 100-year-old shellfish industry that employs more than 600 people?

Did they know that killing Cowie Creek would also be horror for humans who need it for a drinking water source, and that it was protected from previous mining activity in the area for this very reason?

Did Mr. Tapics know the 80,000- ton coal storage shed proposed for our waterfront is in Canada’s worst Tsunami zone? Did he know that all fossil fuels were previously removed from our tsunami hazard zone for this very reason?

Did he know the coal truck unloading facility would be across the street from family homes and upwind from our Harbour Quay tourist destination?

One would think the president of a corporation has the responsibility for making and preparing public statements regarding the financial responsibility of the company that are free from misstatement.

One thing we do know for sure, Mr. Snyder of Coalwatch did do his homework and thanks to his due diligence, the Minister of Finance confirmed that Mr. Tapics most likely didn’t do his.

Stacey Gaiga,

Coal Free Alberni

Alberni Valley News