Target health-care sector for job creation in B.C.

Might I suggest the B.C. Liberals look at the health-care sector for job creation?

To the Editor,

The first of what it is anticipated to be a very long line of B.C. Liberal commercials was aired last week. Our premier, a vision of loveliness, at a table with a group of women discussing the need for jobs and how jobs would provide people with money to spend.

The commercial was a tad condescending, but hey, if it works, it works.

As to jobs, that was a little thin. Might I suggest the B.C. Liberals look at the health-care sector for job creation? Almost 500,000 of us don’t have family doctors. If that weren’t bad enough, when we go to a walk-in clinic, we are faced with either waits of several hours or being advised the clinic has seen its maximum number of patients for the day and is closing its doors. You either then go to the ER or come back the next day.

This is no way to run a health care system, especially with the premiums we pay.

Had the B.C. Liberals invested in education for doctors and nurses 15 years go, things would be considerably better.

E.A. FosterNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin