Tax and spend

The NDP platform has some serious issues to deal with

I received in my mailbox a leaflet from Barry Avis (NDP Candidate for Parksville Qualicum) explaining the NDP virtues of “Practical First Steps” and how they would mature B.C. with the “NDP Plan.”

I wonder if Avis actually read this information or has he ever been actively involved in small business.

I work in the small business community and I am not sure if the NDP Avis understands that small business is successful when big business is strong. If you look at prosperous areas of the economy and areas (yes, like Alberta) where big business is going strong, the small contractors (small business) is doing even better.

If government is going to be the only big business in B.C., we are in big trouble, because who pays for the government? The constituents and small business.

The retailers in Parksville and Qualicum live off, to a large degree, the tourism dollar, but that is presently difficult. If we had big business in the area, they would bring more residents and solve some of the problems our schools are having with decreased attendance (KSS) and the small merchants’ sales would increase. Small business may even expand and create more jobs with the increased sales and, hopefully, profits.

Please people, spending more than you make and living the dream that your kids or the next generation can pay for it is not the answer.  Did the province of B.C. not go through this with the last NDP government?  Has Adrian Dix not campaigned on the same platform as in the past NDP governments, as he guarantees the NDP will spend billions of dollars that would require decades of debt our children would need to repay? Do the NDP not grasp how business works? I believe, in most cases, they have never been a part of it.

Michael Loftus





Parksville Qualicum Beach News