Tax increases in disguise

News of another proposed hike at ICBC is yet another example of how government claims it is holding the line on taxes

News of another proposed hike at ICBC is yet another example of how government claims it is holding the line on taxes, while still removing more money from your family’s balance sheet.

ICBC is proposing another 5.2 per cent hike to basic insurance rates, citing the need to cover increasing costs, especially due to a rising claim rate for distracted driving collisions which often involve cell phone use.

But this isn’t the first time ICBC rates have been upped. Christy Clark has been premier for four years. ICBC rates have been raised in three of those. This proposal comes just one year after ICBC sought 4.9 per cent hike and received permission to up rates by 5.2 per cent.

The latest increase would cost most vehicle owners about $36 per year if approved by the B.C. Utilities Commission.

While this rate increase has not yet been given the go-ahead, it follows other fee increases like hikes to BC Hydro rates and Medical Service Plan premiums.

All of these items hit taxpayers in the pocketbook, but they come with the public relations benefit of allowing the Liberals to claim a strong stance against tax increases. But these rate hikes are simply taxes dressed in different clothing. Voters need to remember this when assessing the government’s record.


Salmon Arm Observer