Taxes already make up for cyclists’ road use

Everyone pays taxes, which maintain roads for any kind of vehicles

Re: Cyclists should pay to maintain Peninsula roads (Letters, Jan. 18)

They already do.

Your letter writer appears to be part of the group that feels cars have the absolute right of way on the road. I suspect he is in accord with those drivers that have attempted to run me down as I crossed a marked crosswalk.

The general tax contribution from all, including cyclists and pedestrians, more than pays for their wear and tear on roads and sidewalks. Even if the entire gas tax was used for roads it would be a long way short of actually paying the cost of the roads.

Maybe a modification of the rules of the sea should be the rule on our streets. Generally speaking, the rule is a human powered vehicle (cyclist) has the right of way over a motorized vessel (car).

Pedestrians and cyclists also pay for the police to enforce traffic laws and regulations. Unfortunately few police make an effort to enforce these laws when it is a choice between protecting a pedestrian or – horror of horrors – inconveniencing an automobile driver.

Norm Ryder


Peninsula News Review