Taxpayers can’t afford mediator

What will happen when other union contracts expire?

I find it interesting that the government has failed to negotiate a settlement with the BC Teachers’ Federation in part due to their “net zero” mandate, and yet we as taxpayers can afford to pay a mediator $2,000 per day. This is the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard.

What will happen when HEU, BCNU and BCGEU contracts expire? Will we be paying a mediator another $2,000 per day to settle those contracts as well?  What happened to the days of negotiating a fair contract for all parties? What happened to living in a democratic society?

The Liberals’ days are numbered. Maybe they should go back to school to redo their math. Any idiot can see that these numbers don’t add up.

Teri Neville-Rutherford




Peninsula News Review