Taxpayers should be able to choose their entertainment

When special-interest groups obtain free money from government they obviously get accustomed to it.

To the Editor,

Re: Port Theatre expansion an asset, Letters, Oct. 2.

When special-interest groups obtain free money from government they obviously get accustomed to it and squawk loudly when taxpayers question the generous help.

A large amount of tax money went to build the $13.1-million theatre in 1998 and soon more is going to build the $12.6-million expansion. Each year Nanaimo taxpayers subsidize the facility.

Volunteers are to be thanked for all the hard work they do at the theatre. They are not the issue. What is: subsidies and proper management.

And while it’s nice some residents do not have to travel to Vancouver to see a show, with all the tax contributions being placed here perhaps it would be cheaper to give residents a pass to the mainland on the city’s dime to see whatever event they choose, not just those the Port Theatre brings in and thinks we should be on the hook for.

Drake M. ChurchbridgeNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin