Teacher is an asset to school district

Students come to defence of Penticton teacher accused of making inappropriate comments

My name is Kenya Rogers and I am a graduate of Pen High’s class of 2012. I am currently in Lima, Peru as a Rotary Youth Exchange Ambassador. Yesterday, to my disappointment, I found myself reading an article about a former teacher of mine, Miko McGrady. This article is ironically an “un-educated” attack on Mr. McGrady, and I believe that many of these allegations have been taken out of context. To follow the form of the article, my comments are as follows:

Before piecing together this article, were the marks of the kids making these allegations considered? As a former student, I am fully aware (as are many other Pen High alumnus) that there were students who were at serious risk of failing McGrady’s class. This factor must be taken into account, especially considering the drastic consequences being discussed.

The lack of respect from student to teacher during the course of these alleged comments should also be revised. French immersion classes are a close-knit group, and it was no secret to us that a select few took advantage of McGrady’s more liberal teaching forms, and chose not to treat him as an educator.

Mr. McGrady wasn’t naive to the way teenagers are. This made for a relaxed learning environment full of laughter and jokes. He found a balance between having fun with students and getting our work done, and I know that many grads had some of their best memories in his class room.

Finally, I can say in confidence, that Miko McGrady was one of my favorite teachers, and I am proud to have built the foundations of my bilingual skills with him. Miko treated us like young adults, respected our achievements, and worked with us on a level that gave us an ability to connect with the curriculum. To see him painted in such a negative light is mis-leading, exaggerated and not to mention hurtful.

Miko is a great teacher, and an important asset to School District 67.

Kenya Rogers


Former student of Miko McGrady



Penticton Western News