Teachers dispute not setting good example

Constructive dialogue and negotiation won't happen until Peter Fassbender and Jim Iker step down

It is absolutely ridiculous that the B.C. government is playing “kitty by the door,” in its dispute with the B.C. teachers. This is probably the worst lesson possible for the province’s future workforce and leaders, its students.

Obviously, this has become personal for Premier Clark, and her extremely weak education minister, who is content with prepared sound bites and premeditated statements from his ministry.

I was always of the impression that we were to set an example for our youth, not the other way around. Premier Clark is using any potential negotiation capital as election campaign funds, trying to buy the student parental vote. Though this double cross of taxpayer’s money is juvenile at best, she is not solely to blame.

Jim Iker’s sense of entitlement, with the teachers demands, are just a little more than unreal, and not being able to foresee that these incredible demands were going to hit a brick wall, is exactly that, short sighted.

I would suggest that the minister of education, step down, and Jim Iker’s be removed  as the head of the B.C. teachers union. Only then, can we have any constructive dialogue and negotiation.

As for Vince Ready stepping in, he’ll only participate, if it’s going to work for him as well. Which means a stronger mediator is required. Let’s get it done!

Art Green,

Hope, B.C.

Hope Standard