Teachers understand education issues

I have no confidence that a deal will be reached with the B.C. Teachers’ Federation unless the government stops its bullying tactics.

To the Editor,

Re: Cutbacks causing harm to education system, Aug. 7.

I have absolutely no confidence that a deal will be reached with the B.C. Teachers’ Federation unless the provincial government stops its bullying tactics. The teachers are the front-line workers. They know what the system needs. They need to be listened to and treated with respect, not bullied.

As for the $40 ‘bribe’ we have been offered, I think the government should take that money and shove it – right back where it belongs – in the classroom. Let that money pay for an educational assistant, a raise for a teacher, whatever, but let it be spent for education, not daycare.

Vivian JohnsonNanaimo

Nanaimo News Bulletin