Teachers’ union should apologize for tactics

Open letter to BC Teachers’ Federation president Susan Lambert and executive committee:

Open letter to BC Teachers’ Federation president Susan Lambert and executive committee:

As a former school teacher and having a daughter who will become a qualified school teacher in a matter of months, as well as a parent of five children who have all been in the public school system in B.C., I would like to offer my observations on the current situation.

• I have a deep respect for teachers and for the challenges they face in bringing the best quality of education to our youth

• I believe that good teachers should be very well compensated.

However, I also believe:

• Now, is not the time for increasing compensation to teachers

• There must be an evaluation system for teachers, with teachers’ promotion and compensation tied to the results.

Furthermore, I also believe:

• The BCTF is unfairly and selfishly using children’s education to promote their own agenda

• Teachers should resume their classroom responsibilities immediately

• The B.C. teachers union should apologize to parents and students.

John Abelseth, Kelowna

Kelowna Capital News