Teachers want a deal: local union head

Letter to the editor expresses teachers' side in current impasse


A record high, 33,387 BC teachers exercised their democratic franchise and voted 86 per cent in favour of escalating our job action up to and including full withdrawal of services, if needed.

I want to express my deepest gratitude and respect for the resounding support  and solidarity shown by Kootenay Columbia teachers by their vote in our local.

We have received numerous emails from parents and other concerned community members thanking us for standing up for public education and for better supports for kids.

We want to thank parents, students, our CUPE and other union colleagues, and everyone else who have stood with us, “shoulder-to-shoulder” to “hold the line” for increased funding for public education in our province.

We echo our BCTF president’s comment, that, “There is no reason why a province as rich as BC should be second last when it comes to funding education.”

Local teachers want Premier Clark to release the resources necessary that her negotiators need to effect a deal at the bargaining table.

We want a deal not a fight, before the end of June.


Andy Davidoff

Pres. Kootenay

Columbia  Teachers Union

Castlegar News