Teachers work hard and deserve a decent wage

They deserve at least as much as a MLA. Teachers put in long hours — typically 14 hours a day.

Editor: Education Minister Peter Fassbender is a puppet. Premier Christy Clark calls the shots.

In the last election, Clark said we would all be debt-free. What happened in 12 months? Did she not know that there was a public education system to run in B.C.?

Her puppet is saying that the teachers will put B.C. in debt. That is complete rubbish. The amount being asked by teachers is insignificant in the scope of a provincial budget. It is akin to a family deciding if they can afford a pack of Smarties once a month.

Run the school system and pay the teachers a decent wage. They deserve at least as much as a MLA. Teachers put in long hours — typically 14 hours a day.

Contrary to opinions of others, they do work at their profession throughout most of the summer.

I am not a teacher but I live with one, so I know the facts.

Wally Martin,


Langley Times