Teaching to lie?

Why didn’t this teacher just take days off without pay?

Editor, The News:

Re: Teacher went above and beyond (Letters, Jan. 14).

The issue here is not about how good or bad this teacher might have been. We all know that teacher-student experiences are very personal, and a teacher that was good to me may have not been good for another student.

This issue is about lying to get more “paid” time off, at taxpayers’ expense, I might add.

Why didn’t this teacher just call in and take extra days off without pay? What kind of message is this for students, that you can lie to get what you want because you’re  tired and overworked?

Nobody is arguing about teachers being overworked, but aren’t we all? Work is a choice.

Good for the school district for taking action against these decisions by their employees.

I only hope this teacher taught better values to her student that those did when Margo Foster was a student, because that’s not what I’d like any teacher to teach any kids.

Alex Aguilar

Maple Ridge


Maple Ridge News