Technology can help reduce our area’s traffic congestion

One thing that I’ve not heard anything about during the discussion and debate around our transportation woes is telecommuting.

One thing that I’ve not heard anything about during the discussion and debate around our transportation woes is telecommuting.

How many people are driving into downtown to do administrative work that otherwise could be done from a home office? You might have to go into the office once in awhile, but how many vehicles would this take off the road in morning and late afternoon?

In this age of smartphones and BlackBerrys, webinars and teleconferencing, it’s completely doable. I do 80 per cent of my work from home and 20 per cent at clients – and it works great.

The other thing Victorians need to remember is we have a lot of people in a small area, but not enough people to pay for a billion-dollar rail system that will just grow into a monster, like TransLink on the Lower Mainland.

We might just have to learn to be a little more patient and little less demanding.

Bob Broughton





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