Teen cyclist lucky to make it home

NANAIMO: Cyclists antics take him into path of vehicle.

On Aug. 30 after dark, (9:20 p.m.) we nearly hit somebody’s son.

A teen on a bicycle (with no light) zoomed down the ramp from the Mid Island Co-op parking lot across the path of our car driving on Labieux Road.

He appeared in our headlights and shot across just in front of us. My husband clamped on the brakes so hard we broke our brake lines or that boy would certainly be dead.

Turns out our well-maintained car must now be scrapped as our repair costs exceed what makes sense to invest in an older vehicle. The teen didn’t take a hit, but we sure did.

I haven’t slept right since that night. We revisited the scene the next day and can easily see how kids can sail down the ramp and across Labieux to a driveway with a bump across the street to become airborne while playing Russian roulette with traffic for the thrill of it.

Anyone driving on Labieux should be careful passing that parking lot ramp exit. Somewhere there is a parent of a teenage boy who rides his bike in the Labieux/Bowen area who doesn’t even know how lucky he/she is to have a son who came home that night.

Please caution your kids and buy them bike lights.

Nanaimo News Bulletin