Teens backing tan ban

We hope the culture of beauty changes so high school students would never consider harming themselves to live up to a certain image.

Dear Sir:

We thank provincial health minister Mike de Jong for announcing an indoor tanning ban for those under the age of 18 this fall.  As Canadian Cancer Society Tan Free Grad Leaders at Caledonia Secondary it is our job to educate our classmates about the health risks of tanning, as well as to encourage everyone to own their skin tone.

We are thrilled that by this time next year many grads will not even have to face the choice of whether or not to tan before their prom. It is important for everyone to know that no tan is a safe tan.  When your skin colour changes due to exposure to UV radiation, it is an indication that your skin has been damaged.

Research shows that any use of indoor tanning equipment before the age of 35 can actually increase a person’s risk of melanoma by 75%. Melanoma is the third  most common cancer in young women between the ages of 15 and 29.

We hope the culture of beauty changes  so high school students would never consider harming themselves to live up to a certain image.  We believe that the action taken by the province will go a long way in reaching this goal and most importantly prevent cancer and save lives.

Jenna Sabino, Taylor Belanger, Danica Devost, Megan Praticante, Jane Mckinnon,  Hailey Rodda, and Rechelle Colville,

Terrace, BC


Terrace Standard