Terrace shut out of Rio Tinto Alcan environmental hearings

Terrace and Lakelse Lake area people wanted to present their case

Dear Sir:

Thanks for covering the important environmental hearings currently underway regarding Kitimat Rio Tinto Alcan’s application to increase SO2 emissions. Rio Tinto Alcan and the BC Ministry of Environment did extensive testing in the Lakelse Lake and Terrace area, yet surprisingly people from both of these studied areas were repeatedly denied appellant status.

The main reasoning behind denying Lakelse Lake and Terrace area people status is that data and reports generated showed that “there would be no adverse effects.”

A key person who collected data for years was paid for by Kitimat Rio Tinto Alcan even though he was a BC Ministry of Environment staff person.

The main study, “The Star Report,” was generated by scientists handpicked and paid by Rio Tinto Alcan. Clearly Rio Tinto Alcan was too close to the decision making process to generate an even handed assessment while the Lakelse Lake and Terrace area people were repeatedly denied opportunity to present their case.

We trust and hope that the BC Environmental Appeal board will hear all the presentations and make a decision that protects the public interest.

Charles Claus, Terrace, B.C.


Terrace Standard