Test ‘like failing math for poor grammar’

We can't expect seniors to perform well on computerized tests

Re: Elderly drivers get road test option (News, March 21)

As I understand the workings of this test I see several flaws:

Using a computer to test driving ability is invalid as it assumes the client has some computer skills not related to driving. Any test needs to be in the same medium as the subject being tested. It’s like failing a math test for using poor English grammar.

Supplying the test car instead of using the client’s, introduces new variables. Anyone who has ever taken out a rental car understands this very well. Charging more than $300 for a re-test is a financial incentive to fail the client at the first test.

In summary, I find the whole concept arrogant, intrusive, obnoxious and unacceptable.

Manfred Rose

Central Saanich

Peninsula News Review