Thank God I’m a Boundary Country girl

Maybe the whole-wide world doesn't know the Boundary - those who have grown up and lived here -- we know.

I recently moved back to one of the most beautiful and peaceful places to live in Canada as far as I’m concerned. When I was a girl growing up on a cattle ranch near Bridesville, I told my family I was going to move to the city and become famous. Love changed my direction at 20 when I married my husband so as you guessed, I ended up staying, with dreams of one day moving to a city to experience the lifestyle thought I was missing.

In June of 2011 my husband’s work ended up uprooting our family to the big city (not really a city, but to me it was). I set off on my new adventure with a very optimistic outlook—now let me be careful here, I am not bashing other places but for this girl it wasn’t quite what I expected.

We bought a nice home in a nice neighbourhood in West Kelowna and I couldn’t wait to meet my neighbours. I recruited a married couple next door to help me spearhead my first ever block party.

I was so excited and to my surprise we had a great turnout—probably three-quarters of the people in our cul-de-sac came out. I met them all and sadly in the next three years never talked to half of them again and let me tell you this girl is a very people-oriented person.

It was my observation that there were a lot of expenses I didn’t factor in when you live there. I had to pay for yucky tasting chlorinated water. So it didn’t take long for this little country bumpkin to appreciate the Boundary and all it has to offer. Not only do you go to the local grocery stores and you pretty much know everyone and get at least a hug or two a day, but we have so much to offer beautiful hiking trails, amazing places of a great coffee of a bite to eat, the beauty of the Kettle River, an amazing school system to raise children and so much more…

Ginette Wheeler, Rock Creek


Boundary Creek Times