Thank you, all of Maple Ridge

The kindness of strangers made house fire easier to survive

Residents of two homes along 203rd St. north of Dewdney Trunk Rd. escaped injury Sunday afternoon after a fire that started in one home, jumped to the next.

Residents of two homes along 203rd St. north of Dewdney Trunk Rd. escaped injury Sunday afternoon after a fire that started in one home, jumped to the next.

Editor, The News:

Re: Fire damages Maple Ridge homes (The News, May 30).

On Sunday, May 27, our house went up in flames.

Thankfully, we all got out in time and no one was hurt.

While we were still standing on the side of the street, watching the fire department fighting the flames, there was a gentleman coming up to us.

He was a total stranger, we had never met him before, and here he gives us his address on a piece of paper, saying we could stay at his house for the night.

A complete stranger is offering shelter to a couple with two young children.

That was just  the start of an amazing outpouring of support and help we have received since the fire.

The way the community has come together is absolutely overwhelming for us and I have to fight my tears every day because I can’t believe the great support.

If it is my daughter’s school, my son’s preschool, the neighbors, the Girl Guides, friends or total strangers, you name it, we receive something every day, even if it’s just a consoling hug.

It is overwhelming and wonderful at the same time.

There is no way we could ever say  thanks enough to everyone, from those who came out with a box of kids’ clothes, a box of toys, to those who offered to make us dinner and bring us a cup of coffee.

We came to Canada almost five years ago and bought this beautiful house in Maple Ridge only in summer last year. We always knew Canadians were very welcoming and friendly, but we would have never expected this.

So, from the bottom of the heart, we would like to say thanks you to all the people who supported us and still support us. It is much appreciated and shows that people actually still do care.

Thank you to the Maple Ridge Fire Department for trying to save as much as they could.

Thank you to the two girls in our daughter’s class who donated the content of their piggy banks (can you believe that?).

Thank you to the kids who donated a stuffy from their collection to our kids.

Thank you to our friend who let us stay at her house for the first two nights.

Thank you to our new friends who cooked us dinner.

Thank you to the friends who gave us clothes.

Thank you to the Girl Guides who made it possible for our daughter to attend the camp by donating everything she needed for it.

Thank you, all.

Thank you, Maple Ridge.

Nathalie Currie

Maple Ridge

Maple Ridge News