Thank you firefighters

Okanagan Landing firefighters contribute funds to two programs at local school

Okanagan Landing Elementary would like to thank the Okanagan Landing Fire Department for a very generation donation to our school.

Two members of the fire department (Jim Isnardy and Mike Sutch) took the initiative to gain support from all department members to provide $15,000 towards the school’s technology program and our food program, providing breakfast and lunches for students who need a little extra to eat.

We were surprised by this very thoughtful initiative and we wish to sincerely thank all members of the Okanagan Landing Fire Department for this very generous donation.

Our food program will benefit greatly and the technology donation will provide four classrooms with new Smartboards (interactive whiteboards), projectors and document cameras to enhance our students’ learning.

The Okanagan Landing Volunteer Fire Department certainly has many very kind and generous members.

Tom Watkinson and Rick Penner,

Okanagan Landing Elementary



Vernon Morning Star