We read with interest the story about the unidentified photos Ester and Jim found (“Are you missing a box of family photos?” Nov. 5) – because we are the people in the photos!
We had a fire at our house and everything was removed for the restoration. After the house was fixed, all our belongings that could be saved were returned.
All of our photos came back in a box of plastic bags and while we went through them at the time, we didn’t notice that many of the important ones were missing.
That is, until we read this story and my mom said “there’s that picture of my brother I was looking for.”
Now we will have to go through the photos that were returned to us to make sure we don’t have any that don’t belong.
Thank you to Esther and Jim for the efforts in returning them to us.
And thank you Surrey Leader for reuniting us with some wonderful photos.
Tamara Poirier