Thank you for supporting minor hockey players

Local youth participating in the BC Hockey Provincials are grateful for the help given by their communities.

On behalf of the South Okanagan Minor Hockey Association’s three rep teams who are playing in the B.C. Hockey Provincials, we wanted to take the opportunity to thank the communities who have shown overwhelming support and pride in these players who live in Oliver, Osoyoos, OK Falls, Keremeos, Midway, Greenwood, Princeton and Grand Forks.

Without the support of our communities, minor hockey would not be what it is. We are so proud to represent the beautiful communities of the South Okanagan and all the players are wearing their jerseys with pride.

We want to thank everyone who has come to our games and cheered the teams on, donated and are cheering us on back home.

These players are making memories that will last a lifetime. Some of them and their families may not have had the opportunity to attend provincials without the support of our wonderful communities. Words cannot express our gratitude and thanks for the support, kindness and tremendous generosity of our great communities.

We are so touched and proud to live in and be a part of the best communities in our beautiful province.

Go, South Ok, Go!

Our sincerest thanks,

Angela Paolera, Vanessa Kriese and Brianne Hillson, on behalf of the

midget rep, bantam rep and peewee rep players, coaches and parents


Boundary Creek Times