Thank you for supporting successful babies

Success by 6 and Yellowhead Community Services say thank you

To the editor;

Success by 6 and Yellowhead Community Services would like to extend our sincerest thanks to all of the very generous individuals, businesses and organizations that supported the Babies of 2011 Luncheon that was held at the Barriere and District Seniors Society this April 13th . Your generous contributions, volunteer time and efforts made it possible for all the families of babies born in 2011 to come together, enjoy a wonderful lunch, and leave with some great gift bags, door prizes and information about the services available in our community. It also afforded all the parents who attended the chance to give feedback and input into what services and activities they’d like to see in their community.

The event would not have been possible without your generous support. Our most heartfelt thanks go out to; The Barriere and District Seniors Society, Barriere Interior Savings and Credit Union, Barriere I.D.A. Pharmacy, AG Foods,  The North Thompson Star Journal, Interior Health, and The District of Barriere. Success starts with each of us and investment in a child’s early years pays dividends for the future of our communities and province. Congratulations Barriere for being a community that cares.

Success by 6 and Yellowhead Community Services




Barriere Star Journal