

Thank you for the past 60 years 100 Mile House

The weekly editorial for the 100 Mile Free Press

The 100 Mile Free Press turns 60 years old this week. Over that 60 years, 100 Mile House has changed a lot. It saw 100 Mile House become incorporated, saw a boom in the lumber business, the development of 108 Mile Ranch and much more.

During its history, the Free Press has, on multiple occasions covered issues of national significance. Most recently, we’ve covered the 2017 B.C. Wildfires and the current COVID-19 pandemic. In times of crisis, the Free Press has always been the go-to place for reliable and accurate information.

However, more than anything else, the Free Press has been a place to go for information on local politics, sports, entertainment and community events. If you wanted to know what was going on in the community the Free Press was the right place to go; a community newspaper.

Despite COVID-19 impacting the Free Press like any other business, that continues to be true today. In fact, in some ways, the Free Press offers more today than it ever has before; gone are the days where you’d have to wait a week for the next update; gone are the days where the amount of news available was limited by the number of pages in the paper; gone are the days where the only way to see an old story was to come into the office.

These days the Free Press is still very much a community newspaper and the place to go for local information but you can also visit our website with up-to-date news from around the province, country and world at your fingertips; you can look up a story from months ago; you advertise on multiple different platforms. Yet, all the old reliable staples are still available in print.

Whenever someone has a problem or an issue, we try to help as best we can. However, it’s important to note that at the end of the day, the Free Press is not a government institution and the funding to run it isn’t guaranteed; the Free Press is just as dependent on the community as the community is on the Free Press and it can’t survive without you.

With that being said, here’s to another 60 years of community service and up-to-date, accurate and reliable information, hopefully, and thank you for supporting the 100 Mile Free Press over the past 60 years.


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100 Mile House Free Press