Thank you from a patient of Penticton Regional Hospital

Wrtiter gives thanks to the staff of Penticton Regional Hospital.

Dear Editor,

Our healthcare system is often criticized for a variety of concerns such as long wait times and a shortage of doctors. Recently, for a period of three months, I was a patient at Penticton Regional Hospital. During this time I was cared for by a dedicated group of professional, well trained, and caring nurses, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, and doctors. The essential, but often overlooked, supporting staff of food service workers and custodians were also excellent. Being away from family and living in a hospital situation is never desired or easy, particularly during the Christmas season. Thank you to everyone on South Pavilion 2 and the Rehab Ward involved in my daily care. Each of you helped make my stay the best it could possibly be. Thank you.

Ken Carlson,

Princeton, B.C.


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