Thank you Premier Clark

"...We should be concerned about the response from any level of government in how they intend to deal with the reality of climate change."

Waiting for others to catch up is a thoughtful gesture when out on a family walk.  When we consider the globally acknowledged issues around climate change, our current government’s inheritance of a carbon tax that was to be gradually and predictably increasing in order to affect change in ‘the market’; waiting for others will not help achieve that goal.  I have listened to the ‘spin doctors’, now I want a second opinion.  Currently, we are not on track to reach our emissions reduction targets – no matter how you spin it.  We are reminded that Governments do not create change, they respond to it.  At this time in our regional, national and global history we should be concerned about the response from any level of government in how they intend to deal with the reality of climate change.  Waiting does not seem to be a very proactive plan.

Ron Robinson, Nelson B.C.

The Free Press