Thank you so much

When house burned, we discovered we were not alone

My name is Penny McGuire — it’s my house that burned on Philipps Street on Sunday afternoon.

I wanted to thank The News for its discretion and not pushing my picture in, in that state.

I have had an outpouring of help from people offering me clothes, shoes, dog food, cat food to even opening their houses to me to stay over.

Also, thank-you Footprints security — they had someone sitting in their car (no power in the house), in the cold until 4 a.m. Sunday night, then another lady come in at 4 a.m. until the restoration crew was there.

Also The Whole Show Restoration company has been amazing having to do the disgusting, dirty work of cleaning up a horrible site. The smell of the smoke is burned in my nostril hairs I think — I can’t seem to escape it.

Island Insurance has been a wonderful and patiently answering my questions a couple of times as I forget I’ve already asked it.

Anyone who doesn’t have insurance, I really would suggest that they go out and get some right now.

I am so grateful to the Parksville Volunteer Fire Department who were there on the scene so quickly.

It would have been much, much worse if they were even three minutes later.

Also I would like to thank the Parksville Career Centre as they have offered me office space to begin yoga classes again next week.

This allows me to keep my income coming in and create some semblance of ‘normal.’  Also, Blys Yoga studio and Oceanside Yoga in Qualicum have also offered me space to start offering classes again.

Also, all my neighbors on Phillips Street — they were out helping right away, taking my dogs in the car and moving the cars away from the house.

They gave me shoes and jackets and a blanket (I ran out in my socks).

They offered me coffee and places to stay and regroup — some of them whom I’d never even met.

I have a place to stay for now and can get to sleep again, but continue to wake up startled, thinking I’m in the fire.

Thank-you to everyone.

I haven’t been able to answer all the e-mails and Facebook messages and tweets, but am so very thankful for everyone’s help and offerings of help.

Penny McGuire





Parksville Qualicum Beach News