Thankful for Harper’s policies

Wow, talk about a home run for the lefties in the Feb. 6, Shuswap Market News.

Wow, talk about a home run for the lefties in the Feb. 6, Shuswap Market News.

Three separate letters beating up on Prime Minister Harper, the Conservatives and our elected MP for the Okanagan Shuswap, Colin Mayes.

Probably just a coincidence they all appear in the same paper at the same time?

The “View Point” letters I refer to came from Cindy Derkaz, Doug McDonald and a Lloyd Atkins.

These three letters took turns at berating the Conservatives, our Prime Minister and our MP Colin Mayes.

Fair enough, and I’m sure the Observer/Shuswap Market News will provide space for others to provide their opinions as well even if they might represent the other side of the coin or some might say the “truth”?

I would ask the readers to compare the results of our present government’s track record with regards to economic issues around the world and how Canada fared during these critical times when many countries were going bankrupt, we had employment in Canada, our interest rates were kept low, our justice system was improved and our standard of living in Canada “since” the Conservatives came to power.

Ask yourself, have the Conservatives helped or hindered in making Canada a better place to live, it is my opinion they have helped considerably.

Personally, I am thankful we got rid of the Liberals and their tax and spend policies when we did, however we are still trying to correct the results of their folly that happened under prime ministers Jean Chretien and Paul Martin.

Imagine if Justin Trudeau (the no-experience, rich kid) or Tom Mulcair (Johnny come lately) had been the prime minister during these recent times …. I shudder to think of where Canada might be if they had?

Perhaps the election campaign has started, as evident by the three letters that appeared in the Shuswap Market News; now let’s see if the three Salmon Arm papers under the banner of Black Press will print letters from the other side of the discussion as well… we’ll soon see?

B. Campbell,




Salmon Arm Observer