Thanks for attending MissionFest

Editor, The Record:

Last Saturday (Aug. 13), we closed off First Avenue and threw a party. Everyone was invited to the inaugural MissionFest, a celebration of our downtown community, and it was a wonderful experience for everyone.

I would like to thank all those who came down to take part in the many activities and to meet up with friends and neighbours. It reminded all of us that we have a very special community full of some truly fantastic people and places!

What started as an inkling of an idea some months ago exploded in a celebration of our downtown community! It just could not have been possible without some great people from the downtown neighbourhood. These people believed in the idea, pitched in and made it all possible. I would like to thank the Downtown Business Association and our gang of organizing volunteers, and all those who practised spontaneous volunteerism throughout the day.

Thanks to absolutely everyone who came downtown!

See you next year!

Rhett Nicholson

MissionFest organizer

Mission City Record