Thanks for foreign worker stories

My wife Christina and I would like thank editor John Harding for his articles on the Temporary Foreign Workers Program.

On behalf of my wife Christina and I, we would like to say thank-you to editor John Harding for both his article and editorial on the Temporary Foreign Workers Program in the April 17 edition of The NEWS.

Harding has a journalistic handle on the community that he lives in. Our greatest worry was that the race card would have been perceived and Harding’s story and editorial showed it was not about race but it was about the fair treatment of people and their rights.

Harding’s professionalism that is reflected in all of his articles stood out once again in this one. He was fair and knowledgeable with the facts of the issues and all parties involved. Once again, thank you from both of us.

Robert Morrow


Parksville Qualicum Beach News