Thanks for help with fundraiser

I am writing to thank a great number of people who helped me put on the dry grad 2016 fundraiser, Nightmare on Nixon.

Dear Editor:

I am writing to thank a great number of people who helped me put on the dry grad 2016 fundraiser, Nightmare on Nixon.

First of all,  thanks so very much for the kind businesses who donated  products for building the maze.

Next,  my thanks go to all the parents who spent so many hours helping me build the maze that took me a year to plan out.

Also helping on the nights of the maze,  to keep everything organized and everyone happy, as well as all the parents and students that came to take it all down, thank you.

I do apologize to my neighbours,  who probably had to buy more candy for the extra visitors who came to their doors.

Also for putting up with all the spooky music,  air raid sirens,  and screaming.

Next year will be much quieter,  probably…

Thank you Raja Gupta,  the amazing physics teacher from Summerland Secondary School,  who came all nights to help with crowd control,  cleaning up, and counting the money.

He came and supported us without us even asking.

Now,  to the grads of 2016. You students did such an awesome job!

Most of you that could, showed up for all three nights, wore the greasy makeup and had blood splattered on you.

You froze your feet and were probably hit a few times by startled guests, but you still stayed in character and totally made the event happen.

I could not have done it without you.

People came from Penticton, Kelowna and Vernon to see you because they heard what a great job you did.  Well done!

I think we made 1,200 people’s  Halloween, very scary but fun at the same time. And we had a blast doing it!

What other fun way can you raise more than $5,500 for your grad?

Thank you everyone who took the time to come to our fundraiser,  we hope you had as much fun as we did!

Heather Pescada



Summerland Review