Thanks for helping the Walk for Hears

We would like to thank all those who helped us raise over $8,436

We would like to thank all those who helped us raise over $8,436 at our Walk for Hearts on May 3: the Campbell River Mirror for publicizing the event with a very good follow up article and the Willow Point Lions for donating the use of the Hall. Gift certificates for the prize table were donated by the North Island Co-op and Merle Norman. We also thank Quality Foods for the donated juice boxes; Bud Adams who donated Sockeye; our members and friends who made or donated prizes and made the delicious food items for our refreshment table; all the businesses and citizens who donated funds, the people who walked and finally to those who went into the community getting and giving pledges.

Thanks to Joan Comeau, Brandon, Matthew, Mark & Gera McRann and Joanne Clooten  who joined our group to volunteer for the day. A special thanks also to the staff of Hub Barton and Island Fever Travel for all their support.

Ed Jarvis

Walk For Hearts Coordinator

Campbell River Mirror