Thanks for interest in saving church

It was heartening to see so many individuals genuinely interested in preserving the Lakeside Presbyterian Church in Lower Town.

Dear Editor:

The board and staff of the Summerland Museum and Historical Society would like to thank everyone who participated in the community meeting, Monday, Aug. 31 to save the church.

It was heartening and encouraging to see so many individuals genuinely interested in preserving the Lakeside Presbyterian Church in Lower Town as a historical site.

Special thanks go to Barbara Thorburn for her willingness to facilitate the community discussion.

Thanks to Kirk Roberge of Giant’s Head Realty for his ideas to forward the preservation of the Lakeside Church as a community resource.

Thanks to both the Summerland Review and the Penticton Herald for the excellent coverage of this heritage building.

The museum board and staff look forward to the heritage designation of the Lakeside Church in Lower Town preserving this building for years to come.

Sandy Nicolson, president

Summerland Museum Board



Summerland Review